Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Baby Blog in date order

To make it easier to follow through the latest blog from the fantastic FDR resort in Jamaica, we have moved it around a bit to make it easier to read. It is now in chronological order rather than the normal reverse chronology of a typical blog.

At the bottom each individual post you can click on the "NEXT" link to go to the next installment.

Table of contents:

Friday, February 20, 2009

Our Last Full Day and I Want It To Be At The Beach

Where is my Nanny (Shirnette) ?.... There's lots to fit in today...

Mommy, Gabriella and Kiara went for a bike ride with Curtis.... Mommy said she was really impressed with the cleanliness and the feeling of safety cycling outside the gates of FDR.

In the meantime, Shirnette took me to craft time at the Kids Club to make my very own Jamaican bracelet... check it out!

Then we went down to the beach area. My sisters were back from their bike ride and had gone there too. There was lots of action going on.... kidsl collecting shells and hermit crabs.....

others having a water balloon fight...

which ended up with everyone chasing Curtis, (entertainment coordinator) and dunking him in the ocean.

Then some bottles appeared in the water out of nowhere...and were coming to shore...

Kiara got three out of the water... one for her, one for Gabriella and one for me...the bottles had messages in them....

We all had a different message... once we did what was on the message we got a prize... cool!!

In the evening there was a Superboy Contest....Shirnette taught me how to flex my muscles and I showed off my dancing talents.
Then I went to bed...

Guess what?

Before we went to bed we found out that we're staying an extra week!!!! Kiara's reaction reflected just how we all felt.

Nana says that we're having too much fun to leave just yet....!!
... Apparently we were not the only ones staying longer... lots of people changed their reservations to stay longer at FDR!!

So when I get a chance, I will tell you more about our wonderful holiday here at FDR Resorts Jamaica

<<<THE END>>>

Sunday, February 15, 2009

One Romantic Day

Today is Valentine's Day ... and guess what?
I'm in love... again.

I'm in love with my Nanny (Shirnette)!...
and what's more I think all the kids here are in love with their Nanny's...

Shirnette came early enough (7:30am, she usually starts at 9:00am) so that Mommy could go on a power walk, she put on our sunscreen and off we went to a Romantic Breakfast.
I'm about to tell you everything my Nanny did for me today...

She fed me breakfast while there was Romantic music played by this great saxophone player, there were long stemmed roses for the ladies, and i tried a Banana Smoothie, served with a straw... I may never go back to my sippy cup again!

Shirtnette was by my side as we ran through the day's activities...

Encouraged along the way by cheering fans.

Shirnette is starting to help me feel the tug at my heart strings. She cheers for me all the way...


I decided the girls needed my help with their building project...

There was so much to be done that I had a "take out" lunch on the beach and went for a nap just after that...

While I slept Shirnetet cleaned our suite and made everything look pretty. See how she fixed the beds!

Then she came swimming with us and made sure we were safe.
Later we all went to a great buffet dinner , kids talent night program, and a floor show before bed. All day the Nannies helped their assigned family take special care of the kids ... just like our very private Guardian Angels. No wonder we all love our FDR Nannies!

Sleep well. All the guests at FDR will for sure.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday the 13th Jamaica Style And I'm Ready For Anything

Today is my sister Gabriella's 8th birthday. She celebrated her 6th here as well. We know the Kids Club staff are planning a party for her about 4 pm so we have a lot to squeeze in before then. Today is going to be a beach day from morning to night.

After breakfast and tennis lessons we headed to Cardiff Hall Beach's just a few minutes walk to the east of the FDR property and it stretches for a long way as you can see.

We had a great time looking for rocks and shells and digging in the sand...

We gave my Mom a sand bath, and we all jumped in the waves...she says people pay good money to get their skin exfoliated... why not just play with the kids...

Meanwhile back at FdR the pools were busy as well. After lunch, and a nap for me...

...we went to the goat races on the beach. Now that was really fun!!

Then it was time for the birthday party... also on the beach!

A few members of the younger set were also in attendance. Those ladies in shorts and yellow shirts are nannies. There are loads of them and they are so much fun and all of us love our nannies. Mommy says the parents love them too.

Hey, that's enough TV let's go's dinner time and then the Beach Dance Party!

...Ready to Rock and Reggae!!

The secrets of a good Limbo style...

...I even get to roast my own mashmallows...and eat them too...YUM!

Nanny Shirnette... I just love you to bits but I'm soo tired...

Just one more favor for today please...rub my back...Goodnight...


Friday, February 13, 2009

A Surprise Visit to FDR Pebbles

It's Thurdsay and right after breakfast things got off to a swinging start for my sisters.

My adults went to look at some suites and cribs and stuff.....a site inspection they called it.

...and I tried my hand at rock painting. It was great messy fun.

All of a sudden, and without anyone asking my opinion.. we were in a nice van and off to visit Pebbles Resort and have lunch there. I had a great sleep on the way cause my car seat was just so comfortable that I gave in and closed my eyes for a minute. I woke up a couple of hours later to find myself listening to the sound of waves hitting the shore just outside of the room we were using for the day.

The room was right on the bottom floor on the left in the picture below and the verandah is right on the beach. How neat is that!

After I had lunch ... (we seem to be doing a lot of eating)...we went to the pool and the beach.

What a great pool !... No wonder my sisters were excited to go back to visit.

I was all taken up with this immense stony looking thing.
Mommy says this is brain coral. Imagine carrying this around in your head. Not too sure if I want to be too brainy... looks like a heavy load to carry. Ya mon as they say here in Jamaica .

We're off to the petting zoo and to go fishing.

Watch out Mr Goat, ...I'm not kidding!

This looks like fun. But we ran out of time and had to get back for... guessed it.. Dinner .

..and crazy dress up night for us kids.

I kind of like the outfit I chose. Do you think piracy runs in our family?
